Vision Statement

By recognizing that all people are affected by mental health and substance abuse issues, we will reduce the stigma associated with accessing such services, thus increasing the opportunity for all people to participate in their own journey to wellness.

Mission Statement

The mission of Health Affiliates Maine is to provide a mental health and substance abuse practice framework that embraces all individuals in their journey to wellness. As an agency, we recognize that many people struggle, at one time or another, with mental health or substance abuse issues. In light of this, we create an opportunity for the empowerment of individuals in the enhancement of their own quality of life. We strive for mutually respectful relationships among consumers, families, providers, organizations, communities, and government, as we understand our common commitment in working towards the well-being of society.


Clients are at the heart of “the journey to wellness.” Social workers and counselors are known for their big hearts.  They are known for raging against injustice when they see it.  They are known for working in systems that support people who have no voice.  Generally speaking they are not known for running a business.

In September of 2010, Andrea Krebs, LCSW and a passionate group of other women, did just that.  Financially backed by the business team of Emile Clavet and Kevin Dean of Provider Financial, a new agency was formed – Health Affiliates Maine (HAM).  Since that time, the agency has grown to be a highly respected licensed Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Psychiatric Assessment & Treatment agency, with over 300 affiliate clinicians and 80 case managers serving clients in every county in Maine and “sharing the journey to wellness.” In 2013, Health Affiliates Maine was named by Inc. Magazine as one of the fastest growing small businesses, one of only 13 named in Maine.

Andrea Krebs, Executive Director, shares her philosophy:

“I believe that we are all on a continuum of mental health; there are times in our lives when we are healthy, and times when we are less healthy.  The ‘journey’ indicates that we have ups and downs, obstacles and leaps in our journey to wellness, just as our clients do.  In our work with clients, our journey is impacted by theirs, and their journey is impacted by ours, and that is why it is a shared experience.  It works because when clinicians and case managers are supported in striving for excellence and ethical practice, the people who need help benefit.”

-Andrea Krebs, Executive Director