Who’s in the Room? You, Your Client, and AI in 2024

Presentation Information: This will be a six-hour presentation in which participants will explore how technological advances in artificial intelligence, algorithmic programming, apps, and robotics will have an impact on how […]

Presentation Information:

This will be a six-hour presentation in which participants will explore how technological advances in artificial intelligence, algorithmic programming, apps, and robotics will have an impact on how we practice helping in the future. Since the introduction of ChatGPT in 2022, news about AI and its many applications have exploded in the media and in our profession. Participants have already been introduced to this culture changing phenomenon. This workshop will be an in-depth follow up to a shorter presentation you may have attended during the past year. In this workshop, participants will further discuss some of the most recent trends, standards, and norms that are being discussed regarding the ethical application of AI in mental health and substance use treatment. Participants will also review the history and philosophy behind the development of AI while keeping in mind a central question: “What does it mean to be a person?” Finally, Participants will reflect on our current relationship with digital technology and imagine what that relationship might look like as AI permeates our field as ethical standards of practice begin to emerge.

This training is worth six (6) continuing education hours (inclusive of six hours of ethics).

Training hours have been approved for six (6) continuing education hours by the Maine Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors.

Agenda for the Day:

8:30am to 10:15am – Welcome, Housekeeping, Introductions and Training

10:15pm to 10:30am – Morning Break

10:30am to 12:00pm – Training Continues

12:00pm to 12:30pm – Lunch Break

12:30pm to 1:45pm – Training Continues

1:45pm to 2:00pm – Afternoon Break

2:00pm to 3:30pm – Training Continues, Open Discussion, and Wrap-Up

About the presenter:

John Yasenchak, Ed.D., LCPC, LADC is currently a contributing faculty in the School of Counseling, Walden University. Previously, he served as Assistant Professor for Graduate Counseling, Husson University. Prior to that, he taught for many years in the Graduate Counselling program at the University of Maine, Orono. John has served as President of the Maine Counseling Association, Chair of the North Atlantic Region American Counseling Association, and as Board Member, Co-occurring Collaborative Serving Maine. He currently sits on the Maine State Substance Use Commission and is active on the editorial board of Counseling and Values. John began his teaching career as a philosophy instructor with a specialty in ethics. His has presented on digital ethics, post-humanism, spiritual/religious issues in the practice of counseling. John has been a student and teacher of yoga for over twenty-five years.

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Who’s in the Room? You, Your Client, and AI in 2024