If you haven’t already, please download the file below to the device you are having connection issues on.
To do so, right click on the URL below and choose “Save target as…” or “Save link as…”. This will allow you to save the file wherever you want on the local file system. Be sure to save it somewhere that you can find it after (I recommend the desktop).
To run it double click on the “CompulinkPing.bat” file. This will open a command prompt with the words “Working…”. It will automatically close after a minute or so.
This will accomplish two things:
- It will write a file in the current folder called “CompulinkResults.txt” (or overwrite the file if it exists).
- It will open a web browser to the form below.
Please complete the form and, where indicated, upload the “CompulinkResults.txt” file so that we can analyze your current connection strength.