What are boundaries? There are two types of boundaries that you should create for yourself: external and internal. External boundaries are guidelines that determine how you allow others to behave towards you. Internal boundaries maintain balance, exhibit...
Tips for Healthy Living Articles
Sage Advice for Your Day
This article originally appeared in Macaroni Kid on May 14th, 2020 by Luanne Starr Rhoades, LCPC, LADC, CCS; Health Affiliates Maine “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as...
How Routine Could Save Your Mental Health
Studies have shown that a daily routine alleviates feelings of stress, anxiety and other mental health issues. It’s also proven beneficial for those working through addiction, insomnia, and helps give structure to children who may otherwise experience anxiety. Though...
Coronavirus Tip From Parents: Keeping Kids Secure is Key
This article originally appeared in Macaroni Kid on April 27th, 2020 by Luanne Starr Rhoades, LCPC, LADC, CCS; Health Affiliates Maine We don’t like things that are not clear and understandable. We don’t like feeling uncertain and lacking control; uncertainty can lead...
Changing Your Mindset in Self Isolation
In recent weeks, we’ve all seen changes in our daily lives: our routines, our social connections, and our sense of safety and security. It can be easy—and normal—to find yourself dwelling on the negative. However, having an appreciative and positive mindset during...
Parents Need Self Care Strategies for Stress
This article originally appeared in Macaroni Kid on March 26th, 2020 by Luanne Starr Rhoades, LCPC, LADC, CCS; Health Affiliates Maine This is indeed a really strange time—not going to work, having the kids and even (for some) a spouse at home. How unexpected. This is...
Minimizing Stress During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Now, more than ever, it’s important to be aware of your mental health. Rather than letting anxiety, stress or negativity overwhelm you, it’s best to stay present and minimize stress as much as possible. There are many techniques that may help you process and reduce...
Guess Who’s Watching? | Modeling Safe Drinking Behavior
Have you ever had that haunting feeling that you’ve become your mother, or that you sound just like dad? That’s because you probably studied them as you were growing up. You studied their mannerisms, their behavior, the way they spoke and what they did. You may...
Self-Worth & Acceptance
Hi again! I am back with another blog. I was re-reading my first one "Shame: Managing Stormy Days" the other day and thought it was, "to my surprise" not bad.I say this not with an ego. I say it as "An Adult Child Of An Alcoholic" who can still slip back to that spot...