My husband and I suspect our daughter (age 15) is a lesbian. Is it best for us to broach the subject with her or best to wait until she is ready to talk with us?
Q+A Articles
Cold Dark Season Has Reader Depressed
Winter is here and it is a difficult time for me. Between the cold, the dark, and the lack of outdoor time, I get really depressed. I know about SAD and have tried light therapy. I think it helps some but not enough. What other things can I try?
Health Scare Calls for Self Care
I recently had a health scare. While I am okay, my doctor has urged me to take better care of myself, in particular, carving out time for reducing stress…
Mom Is Uncomfortable with Dad’s Honesty
My husband tends to tell our kids way more information than I am comfortable sharing. For instance, he will discuss with them his holiday bonus and how it’s because he works so hard that we can go on family vacations.
Past “Baggage” Brings Parenting Problem
This article originally appeared in Macaroni Kid on November 26, 2018 by Luanne Starr Rhoades, LCPC, LADC, CCS; Health Affiliates Maine Question: My relationship with my brother growing up was pretty toxic. While it has improved with age, I have recently realized it...
“Exciting and Scary” New Marriage Comes with Kids
This article originally appeared in Macaroni Kid on October 25, 2018 by Luanne Starr Rhoades, LCPC, LADC, CCS; Health Affiliates Maine Question: Just found Macaroni Kid through a friend and am so excited for this resource. I am a "new" mom at age 37! No, I am not...