Q+A Articles

Soon “Empty Nest” Has Dad Sad

Soon “Empty Nest” Has Dad Sad

Our youngest child is a senior in high school and I am looking at a future empty nest with a heavy heart. My wife is the opposite and talking about our retirement years and being kid-free.

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Mom Seeks Alternatives to ADHD Meds

Mom Seeks Alternatives to ADHD Meds

My son is 7 years-old and his teacher recently suggested that he may have ADHD. He is very active and sometimes distracted. I’m very hesitant to ask his doctor about it though because I do not feel like we need to put him on medication, at least not at such a young age.

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Divorced Dad Has Disinterested Kids

Divorced Dad Has Disinterested Kids

 I am a divorced dad and don’t see my teenage children as much as I would like due to my work requiring significant travel. We’ve grown apart a lot in recent months and now even when we do see each other, I feel like I don’t even know what to say or ask.

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Mid-Life Mom Wants to Fight Fatigue

Mid-Life Mom Wants to Fight Fatigue

I am a “mid-life” mom to three kids. I work outside the home. I have recently experienced a lot of fatigue in the afternoons. I find myself reaching for sweets or caffeine (or both) to give myself a pick-me-up and get through the rest of the day.

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Reconnecting with Friends Divided by Divorce

Reconnecting with Friends Divided by Divorce

I divorced my ex almost two years ago. We had quite a few couple friends and initially I was able to maintain being friends with our couple friends but it got harder and I would no longer be invited out because I was single.

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Mom Misses Friends

Mom Misses Friends

I have trouble making mom friends. I am fairly shy and not comfortable approaching people. I have brought my kids to a lot of Macaroni Kid suggested events but can never work up the nerve to approach other moms.

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