Dec 30, 2015 | Hope & Recovery, Tips for Healthy Living
For those in early recovery, it is probably not a good idea to go to a New Year’s party where there is going to be alcohol. Even those who are well established in their sobriety can find such events a challenge. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to avoid such...
Dec 28, 2015 | Hope & Recovery, Tips for Healthy Living
Each January, millions of people attempt to improve something in their lives by committing to a New Year’s Resolution – a promise to themselves that, this year, things will be different. By February, many of those resolutions are forgotten or discarded. What happens...
Dec 22, 2015 | Tips for Healthy Living, Understanding Mental Illness
Sometimes holidays hurt. The holiday cards and promotions are full of pictures of beautiful families smiling around a fireplace or dinner table. For some families, the reality doesn’t match that picture. Family relationships come with history, “the good, the...
Dec 18, 2015 | Understanding Mental Illness
That’s a good question isn’t it? Most of the time when people talk about mental health they are talking about mental health treatment or a person who was given a mental health diagnosis, (which is a fancy name for describing what symptoms a person has), but that isn’t...
Dec 11, 2015 | Tips for Healthy Living
Have you ever felt as though you need a little help getting into the spirit of the holidays? It can be true for many of us, because let’s face it; this time of year can be rather stressful. Often times though, it is the smallest and simplest of activities that...