Case Management

Comprehensive, statewide case management services for adults and children

We offer comprehensive statewide case management services for both adults and children. Our highly trained case managers possess strong ties to their communities and in-depth knowledge of local resources to provide quality care and guidance.

Young teenage female patient talking to professional mental therapist. Teenager girl, high school, college student in therapy with psychologist, psychotherapist, counselor. Psychology psychotherapy

Services for Adults

Our experienced case managers provide assistance to adults dealing with a mental health diagnosis. By helping individuals access necessary resources and support, we believe we can enhance overall well-being and resilience. 

Areas of support:

  • Housing, food, and clothing
  • Medical care and counseling
  • Educational support, employment, and skills training
  • Community support and resources
  • Support groups
  • Financial and legal assistance

How to Qualify for Services

  • You must have full MaineCare eligibility.
  • You must meet specific diagnostic criteria, be a class member, or have a diagnosis that contributes to the risk for homelessness, psychiatric hospitalization, residential treatment, or criminal justice involvement.

Our Referral Department will help you determine if you qualify. If you don’ have MaineCare but believe you qualify for services, contact us at or call 877-888-4304. A limited amount of grant funds are available for adults without MaineCare and for veterans/active military members.

Services for Children

Health Affiliates Maine’s case management services are designed to help Maine’s children build resilience and improve quality of life. We will help you find the right support opportunities for your child. Our case managers are highly trained to remove barriers standing between children and their ability to thrive. We utilize strong community ties and extensive knowledge of local resources to provide guidance to parents and families.

About Children’s Case Management Services

Our dedicated case managers are committed to understanding your child’s unique needs, strengths, and challenges to create a tailored plan suit to you and your child. The assigned children’s case manager will:


  • Get to know your child: Our case managers will take the time to understand your child, their challenges, strengths, and existing support systems.
  • Develop a plan: Working collaboratively with the parent or guardian, the case manager will create a strategy to address any gaps in support and services to reduce family stress and empower your child to fully engage in school and the community.
  • Build a team: Your child’s case manager will assemble a team of caregivers and support systems tailored to your child’s needs, ensuring they have the necessary resources to thrive. The case manager will advocate for your child’s needs, strengthen their voice, and explore various resource options to find the right fit for your family.
  • Keep moving forward: Regular meetings (no less than twice a month) will take place in your home or community to assess progress, make adjustments to the plan as needed, and provide ongoing support to your child and your family.

How to Qualify for Services

Health Affiliates Maine case management services are available to:


    • Children eligible for MaineCare
    • Children who experience challenges in school, community, or home due to:
      • A mental or behavioral health diagnosis
      • A developmental or intellectual diagnosis
      • A chronic, severe medical condition

If you believe that your child could benefit from case management services or need help determining if your child qualifies, contact our Referral Department at or call 877-888-4304.