Clinical Trainings

Engaging, informative, and affordable trainings for behavioral health professionals

Health Affiliates Maine is a trusted source of expertise on the most relevant topics affecting behavioral health professionals. We provide affordable and engaging clinical trainings that fulfill requirements for Continuing Education Units (CEUs). All trainings are free or discounted for HAM Affiliates.

Attendees of Health Affiliates Maine Consortium smiling and engaged while seated at tables during a presentation.

I have been a psychotherapist for over 30 years, and I am impressed with the workshops that Health Affiliates Maine coordinates. I have now been to three HAM trainings, though I am not an affiliate. The presenters are lively, articulate, current and at the cutting edge. Making truly current information in the form of CEUs and networking not only available in Maine, but also affordable is a wonderful gift.


View Our Upcoming and Recent Trainings

Annual Consortium

Each year, we host a dynamic day-long event designed to bring together HAM affiliates and case managers from across the state. This free gathering is a unique opportunity to network with peers, gain new insights, and find fresh inspiration for the important work you do.
The full-day event features catered meals, awards, prizes, and invigorating speakers known for their expertise and passion. Engaging breakout sessions are offered both in the morning and the afternoon, allowing you to tailor your experience to your interests and professional development needs. All training sessions offered at the event are eligible for Continuing Education Units (CEUs), adding an extra benefit to your participation.
We are thankful for the amazing network of behavioral health professionals who consider us partners and allies. We look forward to this event every year as a way of giving back to you, and in turn, those you serve.

Health Affiliates Maine Consortium attendee engaged during presentation with cups and water on table