(Auburn/Lewiston, Maine) on July 1st 2015, Health Affiliates Maine (HAM) a statewide substance abuse and mental health agency, will take an important step in supporting the health of its employees, clients, vendors and visitors by ensuring a clean air environment through the adoption of a tobacco-free campus policy.
Tobacco use remains the leading cause of death and disease in this country with over 443,000 deaths per year, almost half of those from smokers with mental illness. The behavioral health population consumes 44% of all cigarettes consumed in the U.S. This population experiences high rates of chronic disease and on average dies 25 years prematurely.
As HAM transitions to being a tobacco-free environment, they will offer a tobacco treatment program for clients and employees. Additional assistance for employees will include several staff meetings and trainings to present the new policy information, as well as making available “Quit Kits”, stress reducing exercises, fresh air breaks and healthy snacks during the transition. The policy change will be effective on July 1st, 2015.
To make a referral, an appointment or for more information call 1-877-888-4304 or visit healthaffiliatesmaine.com.