HAM Aids MMCC With Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Services

May 11, 2015

“In my work with MMCC, I partner with educational personnel, school psychologists, and behavioral analysts to treat youth with developmental disorders, autism, and mental health diagnoses.”  -Dr.  Bowker-Kinley     

(Auburn, Maine) Health Affiliates Maine (HAM) a statewide substance abuse and mental health agency is happy to announce HAM’s Medical Director, Dr. Melissa Bowker-Kinley will be providing psychiatric services onsite, for children and youth, ages 3 to 20 at the Margaret Murphy Center for Children (MMCC).  The onsite work at MMCC will allow families to access psychiatric care within the school and to have improved communication between parents, the school staff and the child psychiatrist. Dr. Bowker-Kinley’s work with MMCC includes providing psychiatric assessment and treatment to MMCC students and collaborating directly with school staff to help provide the quality care MMCC is recognized for.

Dr. Bowker-Kinley is a board certified child and adolescent psychiatrist who previously worked in inpatient child and adolescent psychiatry.  Her expertise includes inpatient child and adolescent psychiatry, assessment and diagnosis, psychopharmacologic treatment, and psychotherapy.  Dr Bowker-Kinley says “In my work with MMCC, I partner with educational personnel, school psychologists, and behavioral analysts to treat youth with developmental disorders, autism, and mental health diagnoses.”  As HAM’s Medical Director, Dr. Bowker-Kinley also oversees the Psychiatric Assessment and Treatment Services program.

MMCC is owned and operated by JFMHomes Inc and is a non-profit organization committed to serving people with developmental disabilities. MMCC has seven locations in LA, providing clinical and educational services to children with autism, developmental disabilities, behavioral disorders and mental health needs. MMCC has plans on expanding to Southern Maine in the fall of 2015.

To make a referral, an appointment or for more information call 1-877-888-4304 or visit healthaffiliatesmaine.com/referral     


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